v0.4 alpha Meet Me On Nostr

an app for sharing Nostr with friends.

Login to create Nostr invites.

Enter your nip05 or npub to access your default invite.

OR sign in to create customized invites.

Because nostr is all about friends
and onboarding is easier with friends
and plebs can't stop telling their friends
why NOT make sharing Nostr better
with friends

Get Zapped from the

Nostr Advocates Award

Comming Soon... Every month the top advcates will win!

Funding Target
Funds Recieved



Minimum Viable Product :

  • Invite QR codes
  • Invite accept and profile creation.
  • Nip05 addresses for new profiles.
  • Private key encryption and storage (password not stored) for new profiles.
  • Private reciept logging for accepted invites.
  • Opt out of key storage and reciept logging.
  • Login with username and password to retrieve encryted key.
  • Direct message integration for new accounts and their advocates.

Target Release :

  • MVP Complete
  • Customizable Invites
  • WoT Network Explorer for finding new friends.
  • WoT Recommendations for clients and relays.
  • Top Advocates Award (incentives for social onboarding)
  • Onboarding support (wiki, groups, hangouts, ect...) for Nostr advocates
  • Sovereign Webs of Trust for better Nostr onboarding